Bev Camp

Bev Camp
My name is Bev Camp AKA The Dancing Cowboy When I am not dancing I love to make art Which I have been doing for over a half century. Athough I had traing in art at H.B.Beal secondary school I am mostly self taught My exploration into the arts had me working in many meadias from sculpre, water/oil colours,found objects etc My beleif that art is found in everthing(In the eye of the beholder Eh!) that has gven me the free fall aproach to art I find today The art I have been mainy working on for the last ten years ,with the exception of my business card mimi collages, has been what I like to call Bee's wax etchings I layer the choosen colour grayons on art board then buff with cheescloth to form a wash I then layer over it in one colour{light or dark) I then etch into to expose the many layered colours This goes to the corners to complete the piece. (see thedancingcowboy-art on instagram for samples) I live in London On know and will be showing my art work around town Iam on FB (bevcamp) and Instagram (thedancingcowboy and the dancingcowboy-art) i will be posting my next show