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Gwendolyn Steller

Gwendolyn Steller


Gwendolyn Steller was born in London, Ontario and has been

teaching since 2005. She has three daughters ages 10, 12, 14

and works full time with the Thames Valley District School board.

Her hobbies include singing, acting, writing, walking and learning

about Health and Wellness. Gwen performs for different venues

including church, birthdays, weddings, funerals, pubs, golf courses,

fundraisers and other special events. She also enjoys helping people

with Integrated Energy Therapy. Gwen loves the sunshine, driving

her truck with loud country music, putting her feet in the sand at

the beach, and listening to the waves and birds. She loves to travel,

meet new people and share adventures along with positive learning

experiences. You can often find her reading a book and hanging out

in her 'zen den' in the backyard, otherwise known as a 'she shed'.

Baby Elephant Publishing Production

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