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Ilona Burghardt

Ilona Burghardt


Ilona Burghardt was born in London, Ontario. She attended the University of Western Ontario and the Ontario College of Art and Design. She works predominantly in oils and soft pastels. She paints

landscapes, urban scenes and portraits, and accepts commissions. She is a member of the Gallery Painting Group that focuses on plein aire painting. She is a member of the Lambeth Art Association and

belongs to a small group of painters called the Square Pegs. She has work displayed at the Art Bank in London, Ontario. The Group of Seven, Impressionists, Expressionists and Fauvists have had a large

influenced on her work.

Artist Statement - Forest City Fusion Art Exhibit

I gather most of my inspiration from the patterns of nature, and the transitory effects of light and atmosphere. Skyscapes and landscapes are a recurring theme in my work that provide an endless source of material for my paintings. I like to go hiking on the trails along the river and find a lot of my subject matter for paintings from these walks. I am always on the lookout for different cloud formations in the sky at different times of day, during different atmospheric conditions. My intention in my artwork is to describe in a visual language the feeling that I get when experiencing these images…the vastness of the sky over an open field or the pattern of light filtering through the leaves of a tree… these are the things that capture my imagination and inspire me to paint.


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